Insights and Opportunities for Change

Last week we shared Insights and Opportunities for Change from the first phase of Generations at events in Wellington and Auckland. We were very pleased to have Hon Tracey Martin, Minister for Seniors join us in Wellington and Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Social Development and Disability Issues join us in Auckland.



Our report, Increasing the Social Connectedness of Older People: Insights and Opportunities for Change is now available to download. This document is the result of an intensive discovery process with our Co-Designers to gain a deeper understanding of the challenge of building the social connectedness of older people.


What's next

The next phase of Generations starts with a process of creative thinking to generate ideas for solving the challenge. The most promising solutions will then be identified and tested with older people, and further iterated based on the learning from the testing (prototyping) process. Once two to four solutions are strong enough, they will be tried out over a number of months in the real world - seeing what works and what doesn’t, and continuing to develop the solutions so they have the greatest impact on building social connectedness and reducing social isolation.

We can't do it alone

We believe Generations will have real impact, but to move forward we need to partner with bold organisations who want to explore with us how to make a real difference in reducing the social isolation of older people in New Zealand.